How many kilometers per day do you need to walk and who needs it

How many kilometers per day do you need to walk and who needs it

Do you like to walk? How many kilometers a day do you walk? Have you ever thought about it? I have prepared a little material and I suggest you read it in the hope that after that you will think about hiking as a useful and pleasant pastime.


  • Why is it necessary to walk?
  • How much do I have to walk?
  • How fast should I walk? How to calculate fat burning heart rate
  • How much you need to walk a day to lose weight
  • Wellness walking
  • Terrencourt
  • Scandinavian walking
  • Sports walking
  • The advantage of specialized gadgets:
  • Application Advantage:

We do not live in the easiest time to move quickly, and dependence on various means of transportation is increasing every day. Cars, subways, buses, motorcycles are integral attributes of our life, without which it is difficult to imagine moving from point A to point B. In such conditions, we forget how useful and important it is to move on our own two feet. Moreover, it is not news to anyone that walking is an affordable, safe and simple form of physical activity. Therefore, I would like to expand on the topic of walking in more detail, reminding the reader that it is not only by car, metro, bus that you can get to work or shop, and that saving time will not be worth the candle when it comes to health and well-being. And it should be added that moving on your own feet does a good job of tidying up the nervous system and thoughts.

Why it is necessary to walk

Let’s give a few good reasons for persuasiveness:

  • Walking is an aerobic type of physical activity, in other words, the same sport as running, swimming, fitness, etc.
  • Hiking helps strengthen muscle tissue and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • When walking, the level of stress resistance increases, mood improves, sleep normalizes.
  • While walking, the percentage of risk of injury is extremely low.
  • Walking helps burn calories.
  • Walking is affordable and easy.
  • It is suitable for people of all ages and has practically no contraindications.
  • Walking does not require special training and equipment.
  • The risk of developing a number of serious diseases, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, osteoporosis, etc. is reduced.

How much to walk

Before answering this question, it is worth mentioning Professor of the Japanese University of Health and Welfare of Kyushu Island (Kyushu University of Health and Welfare) Dr. Yoshiro Hatano, who, studying the problems of obesity, came to the conclusion that in order to achieve a fat-burning effect, it is necessary to overcome a distance of 10,000 steps daily.

In 1965, Yoshiro Hatano presented his device Manpo-kei (Manpo-kei) pedometer. Literally translated, the name means a meter of 10,000 steps. This figure is most often found when studying information that reveals the fat-burning side of walking. But the necessary distance for each individual person will depend, first of all, on the goals set and the initial physical condition, and only then on the kilometers traveled.

For someone, 5 km is a lot, and for someone, 10 km a day is not enough. So first you need an assessment of your own capabilities, an understanding of the ultimate goals and, of course, just a desire to walk.

Useful literature on walking

  • Scandinavian walking. Health is an easy step. Anastasia Poletaeva
  • Treatment with Scandinavian walking. Wellness practices. Dmitry Kulkov
  • Scandinavian walking. The habit of a healthy life. Anastasia Poletaeva
  • Scandinavian walking heals. Gennady Kibardin
  • Who should try Scandinavian walking. The author’s collective “Buffer Bay” For Free

How fast should I walk

Walking speed, as well as walking distance, is an individual indicator. If you go just for internal satisfaction, then speed is not important. If the task is to lose weight by walking, then the speed of movement should be such that the pulse (heart rate heart rate) was within the fat-burning threshold.

How to calculate fat burning heart rate

  • The first step is to determine the maximum allowable pulse value. To do this, age must be subtracted from the number 220.
  • The second step is to keep the pulse at 65-75% of the maximum.For example, if you are 31 years old, then your maximum heart rate will be 220-31189 beats per minute. 65% of 189 will be 123 or 142 if we take 75%.
  • Focusing on the heartbeat of 123-142 beats per minute, you will be in your optimal fat-burning zone. But this method is not suitable for people whose heart rate differs from the norm, which for an adult is 60-90 beats per minute at rest.

But you should know that with aerobic exercise, which includes walking, the body begins to burn fat only after 30-40 minutes of activity in the mode of optimal fat-burning heart rate. First of all, fats from muscle tissues are used, and only then the fat reserve. Plus, the amount of calories consumed should be less than the spent ones, i.e. you need to monitor nutrition. And if the main goal of walking is weight loss, then a simple evening promenade with a leisurely step will not help to lose weight, but it will definitely lift your mood, improve sleep and well-being.

How much you need to walk a day to lose weight

Many people go to the gym to lose weight or try different diets, although everything is much simpler, and we do not even suspect that daily walking, as numerous studies show, is no less effective in the fight against excess weight. Below we present small recommendations on walking so that you can replace a whole set of physical exercises with this simple and everyday pastime.

Recommendation 1: How to turn a walk into a comprehensive workout?

The main factors affecting the number of calories burned when walking are: the distance traveled, the speed of movement and the weight of your body. To better understand the progress of your results, it is very important to follow a constant training schedule and use a gadget to record your performance electronically. It can be a smartphone with one of the many applications or a fitness bracelet, there are many options.

If you walk a long distance during the day, but the weight does not get less, the gadget will tell you how many steps you need to add to the goal. But one way or another, don’t overdo it. Start with small volumes and a small pace, gradually increasing them.

Recommendation 2: How many steps to take per day to lose weight

Always keep in mind that the results depend on your personal characteristics: lifestyle, eating habits and health status. You should always carefully calculate your workout by calorie content. Never watch your friend’s schedule, even if you train together. Everyone is unique and you need your own plan.

You should always have your own schedule tailored specifically for you:

  • 100 calories equals 2,000 steps, which is approximately 1.5 km.
  • 1 kg equals 140,000 steps, which is 7000 calories, which is approximately 100 km.

A few simple ways to extend the walking time

  • Try to take public transport if you are tired of a long walk, and it is very far from home.
  • Try listening to your favorite music or radio.
  • If you have children, take them to school and back on foot. You can, for example, try to walk with them through the park on the way home, or just change your usual route to some other, longer and more interesting one.
  • Stop using elevators and escalators. At least for a month.
  • Take a longer walk with the dog. This will make you and your dog much healthier and happier.

If you follow these simple rules every day, you will see the first results within a month. Also, to make your walks more enjoyable, try the following: take a friend for company, listen to your favorite music or audio book while walking, pick up new walking routes. In winter, you can continue to train at home if you have a treadmill. This will allow you to watch movies or TV shows while keeping in shape.

Recommendation 3: how to walk properly.

Keep in mind that your steps are uneven and may vary. Walk at a distance of 1 meter to 3, measure the length of the steps and average. In the future, rely on this value.

Less than 70 steps per minute.

For a healthy person, such a pace has no training effect. It is recommended for people recovering from a heart attack or suffering from severe angina pectoris.

71-90 steps per minute.

From 71 to 90 steps per minute, from 3 to 4 kilometers per hour. It is recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases.

91-100 steps per minute.

From 91 to 100 steps per minute, from 4 to 5 kilometers per hour. This is a good load for your body, which is suitable for any healthy person.

From 111 to 130 steps per minute.

This is a great exercise for your body, but even healthy people have difficulty maintaining this pace for a long time.

What walking rules should be followed?

Now let’s look at the walking rules that you need to follow.

First: start with a light load, gradually increasing the duration and pace. First you have to increase the duration of your walks and only then pick up the pace. The load should correspond to the state of your health. You can learn more here

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